Thursday, September 8
Thursday, September 8
I have made your name known to them.—John 17:26.
When we defend Jehovah’s name, we follow the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus made his Father’s name known not only by using that name but also by defending Jehovah’s reputation. For example, he contradicted the Pharisees, who in various ways painted Jehovah as harsh, demanding, distant, and merciless. Jesus helped people to see his Father as being reasonable, patient, loving, and forgiving. He also helped people to see Jehovah by the way he perfectly imitated his Father’s qualities in his daily life. (John 14:9) Like Jesus, we can share what we know about Jehovah, teaching people what a loving and kind God He is. As we do so, we overturn lies and slander about Jehovah. We sanctify Jehovah’s name, making it holy in the minds and hearts of people. With our words and actions, we show people what Jehovah is truly like. We vindicate that name by helping to free people from the misconceptions they may have about it. w20.06 6 ¶17-18
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