Saturday, September 17
Saturday, September 17
The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit . . . You too exercise patience.—Jas. 5:7, 8.
In Israel, the farmer planted his seeds after the early rain in the fall and reaped the grain after the late rain in the spring. (Mark 4:28) May we wisely imitate the farmer’s patience. However, this may not be easy. Imperfect humans tend to want immediate results from their efforts. Yet, if we want our garden to produce, we must give it constant attention—digging, planting, weeding, and watering. The disciple-making work also requires continuous effort. It takes time for us to root out weeds of prejudice and indifference in those whom we teach. Our patience will help us to avoid becoming discouraged when we encounter difficulties. When we do receive some positive response, we must still be patient. We cannot force a Bible student to grow in faith. At times, even Jesus’ disciples were slow to grasp the meaning of what he taught. (John 14:9) Let us remember that we may plant and water, but God makes it grow.—1 Cor. 3:6. w20.09 11 ¶10-11
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