Friday, September 2


Friday, September 2

I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.​—Ezek. 34:11.

Jehovah loves each one of us, including any sheep who have strayed from his flock. (Matt. 18:12-14) God promised that he would search for his lost sheep and help them to regain their spiritual health. And he outlined specific steps that he would take​—steps that a typical Israelite shepherd would take if a sheep went missing. (Ezek. 34:12-16) First, the shepherd would search for the sheep, which could require much time and effort. Then, once he located the stray, the shepherd would bring it back to the flock. Further, if the sheep was injured or starving, the shepherd would lovingly support the weak animal, binding its wounds, carrying it, and feeding it. Elders, the shepherds of “the flock of God,” need to take these same steps to help any who have strayed from the congregation. (1 Pet. 5:2, 3) The elders search for them, help them to return to the flock, and show them love by providing the necessary spiritual support. w20.06 20 ¶10

Examining the Scriptures Daily—2022


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